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January 12, 2006

Chris Patten: Not quite the diplomat

My little sister picked up on the subtle hint (which included a url and a ISBN number) and got me Chris Patten's book "Not Quite the Diplomat" for Christmas. If you are interested in international relations then I definitely recommend...

November 14, 2004

Fahrenheit Nine Eleven

Dave pointed me to Dave Kopel's Fifty nine deceits in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and the summary 4 page pdf of the same thing. Of course everyone has seen this 'documentary' movie and most seem to think it's amazing or...

July 01, 2004

Fistful of Euros

It's rare that you can visit a site for the first time and know immediately that it's going to become a daily read. Check out Fistful of Euros, a Euroblog of Politics and Life....