Flats to Rent in Edinburgh

I haven't written much for the last few days. I was up north at a wedding at the weekend and now I'm knee deep in moving between flats. It is a nightmare, but, I'm glad I found a new place down off Henderson Row. I saw maybe five flats which were for rent at the right time and on budget, one was too small, another even smaller, a third was a dump and I can't even remember the fourth. The fifth though is perfect. It does not meet all of my flat hunting 'perfection' criteria; my criteria lessened as I got more and more bored of looking. I like it though and think it can be made into a home. The flat rental market here seems a bit crazy at the moment, perhaps because looking back I've only been involved in finding flats to rent in Edinburgh in the off season when there aren't millions of students looking simaltaneously. I made a list of edinburgh letting agents which I hope will be of assistance to you. Everything is boxed up (apart from this computer) and ready to move so tomorrow morning will see a flurry of activity. Unfortunately, BT are not technically proficient enough to broadband enable me as of tomorrow at the new flat so I'm gonna be going narrowband for ten days or so... Not at all looking forward to that.

Posted by Paul in Flats Edinburgh at August 31, 2004 11:59 PM