Comment / Review of Presidential Debate Rules from Links
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Posted by Todd at September 30, 2004 12:59 PM

Bush can't debate normally, so he has to have all these rules. The longest answer the candidates are allowed to give is 30 seconds!!! What a bunch of crap!!! They aren't allowed to question their opponent, or follow up with any comments or questions!!! This is an example of the direction Bush will take this country and it is soooo WRONG!!!

Posted by BushLies at September 30, 2004 01:06 PM

umm...i think you might want to check your fact over again. the longs answer they can give is 90 seconds. the can question the other candidate but, only for 30 seconds. other than that yes this is an outrage. bush has put into play all these rules. some dont even have to do with talking. like, the candidates can be film from behide, walking, yawning or even looking away.
john kerry needs to get his political game on tonight other wise bush is going to wipe the floor with him. kerry tends to ramble on and on how is he suppossed to keep himself with in this stupid time limit. kerry on the other hand deserves to lose for the simple fact he agreed to these terms and conditions.

Posted by CHIZ at September 30, 2004 01:20 PM

this is where i got some of my info so if you want to check it out it there.

Posted by CHIZ at September 30, 2004 01:30 PM

im sorry forgive me im mistaken they are only allowed 30 sec to make a comment on the 90 second speech given form the other campagin.

Posted by CHIZ at September 30, 2004 01:50 PM

It's not that Bush has pushed forth these limitations of the debate by himself. Kerry's campaign has agreed to the terms and made some of their own requests. Regardless it had to be agreed upon so don't blame this all on Bush. Both parties had some say here

S.N.A.P.P. (Students Not Accepting Party Politics) [Washburn University]

Posted by snapper at September 30, 2004 04:28 PM

How about this for a change:

Except for some good old fashioned "ethical," rules like for example: No weapons of mass destruction, no flipping off the other candidate- that we drop all these silly rules; which by the way I have no doubt were largely rigged in Bush's favor as he has demonstrated time and time again that he cannot answer questions that come out of the blue without some edge of rudeness or nervous avoidance-

but how about the moderator being the one setting the tone, asking questions that have been pooled by actual citizens of the United States that have emailed/faxed- etc. some real questions.

Are we so afraid of original thought and an old fashioned debate that we are willing to continue allowing these special treatments of candidates???

Isn't the purpose of the debate to actually be able to stump and surprise the other debator in an attempt to get a reaction, if not get close to some sort of answer!!!

Some of these rules may have some benefit for Kerry- but I dare to venture that this is good ole fashioned yellow bellied Bush's influence in his attempt to sway the debate in his favor and to sidestep stepping up to answer some crucial burning questions!

Russell Jackson, DC Metro Area

Posted by Russell Jackson at September 30, 2004 04:54 PM

Debate? This is NOT a debate by any stretch of the imagination. It is nothing but posturing on both sides.

How about some REAL debate. Personally, I think there should be 1 debate per week starting immediately after the conventions.

No questions to be made available to the candidates in advance, only the topic. All questions come directly from the people.

This way, we can all see for ourselves how the candidates react under pressure and while thinking on their feet.

I mean come on people... the president has to think on his feet while in office if he wins... what better way for all of us to see what we would get....

Posted by CMan at September 30, 2004 06:31 PM

BushLies seems to be a complete moron. Bush doesn't set the rules of the debate, loser. Don't drink your Kerry Koolaid too fast, you may choke.

Posted by Greg at October 1, 2004 01:45 AM

Does anyone notice a pattern to all the bulletin boards. The only ones whining are the Democrats?

Another thing I notice is the terrible misinformation that the Democrats throw around when spouting off on web sites and BB's. One of the above posts says 30 seconds to answer a question. Another says 90 seconds. None of you are right. The time for reponses to the questions was 120 seconds, with 90 seconds for a rebuttle.

If you Democrats are going to whine, at least get your facts straight.

Speaking of getting facts straight, I listened to the first debate, and Kerry came up some really amazing facts and statistics!!! Before the Iraq war, he said, there were only 500 terrorists in the world. LMAO Where in the hell did the moron come up with that figure? Is Kerry honestly stupid enough to think there were only 500? Only a moron would believe something that idiotic. Between the IRA, the PLO, the Black Panthers, the Serbs, the Croatians, the Cheznians, the Phillipino terrorists, the Burmese terrorists, the Indian terrorists, nut boys and wacko US citizens, the Taliban, and last but not least, Al Queda ...... that there was a grand total of 500 terrorists before the Iraq war? We had over 2000 Al Queda terrorists being held in US detention centers BEFORE the war, and hadn't scratched the surface yet!!!

Only one thing scarrier than Kerry............the person that listens to him and can't think for themselves.

Posted by John at October 1, 2004 03:37 PM

I agree with John so much. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is a right and Democrats abuse that right to the point of stupidity. I wouldn't mind listening to opinions that are opposite of mine, I just wish that I could hear some facts backing those opinions up because without support, opinions are useless. To anyone who wants to complain about debates, about the war, about anything that affects this country, do your fellow Americans a courtesy by KNOWING what you are talking about.

Posted by Danielle at October 13, 2004 03:56 AM

im for bush cuz i don't trust no one with a long face like that!

bush/chainey 2004

Posted by Sluggish at October 13, 2004 11:47 PM

Is anybody online right now? I have a stupid question about the debate rules...

Posted by Ashlee at October 14, 2004 03:39 AM
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