Microchip makers exposed to cancer risk

Cancer (Mesothelioma, Asbestosis etc.)

There's an article on BBC News today indicating that close attention is being paid to a lawsuit against IBM currently running in US Courts by Scottish workers who have been exposed to cancer causing chemicals in similar situations. Cancer damages lawsuit hopes reports

Campaigning body Phase Two represents 37 former workers at the plant who are pursuing damages through the courts.

It claims the workers and their children suffered cancers and reproductive problems as a result of making silicon chips.

Spokesman Jim McCourt believes the case in California could be vital for Scottish claims.

"It will be ground-breaking stuff, there's never been a semiconductor company in court at any time for something of this magnitude," said Mr McCourt.

"The pressure group, the regulatory bodies and the industry will be watching this with great interest.

Posted by Paul at October 14, 2003 12:42 PM |

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