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January 21, 2005

Poker in Polish

I've been playing Polish Poker this evening with my new (Polish) flat mate Ted. His English is only a tiny bit better than my Polish. My Polish now extends to "I'm going to sleep, Good Night" (I'm quite proud of...

July 31, 2004

How big can the World Series of Poker get?

Lou Kreiger asks on cardplayer.com, How big can the World Series of Poker become? From modest beginnings in 1970 the World Championship Event with a $10,000 buy-in saw 839 entrants in 2003 and a staggering 2576 in 2004.In case you've...

July 12, 2004

Poker on TV

Interesting article at CNN Money (America's hottest sport: Poker) the other day about the massive growth of poker on TV. It is US focused but applies similarily here in the UK, just this evening the 2003 WSOP was on some...

June 22, 2004

Ben Affleck Wins California State Poker Championship

Nice. Ben Affleck won the California State Poker Championship - a No Limit Texas Hold'em event.In a brief speech, Affleck said he got lucky and complimented Goldstein [Stan Goldstein (Los Angeles, CA)] as a great player. Afterwards, he said he...