# The Political Brain
Do liberals ''think'' with their limbic system more than conservatives do?
# The biggest payoff in venture capital history
Google grand slam for venture capitalists
# Wheelie Bin Grand Prix
Range of competitive wheelie bin events on Sunday 22nd Aug in the village of Lochwinnoch, near Glasgow.
# Interview with Bulk E-mailer
Legal & profitable route to six digit income, is it legitimate?
# Manifestos for Change
Collection of Manifestos (unfortunately PDF) to encourage rational thought.
# Search for the Higgs Boson Particle
Experts agree plan for a gigantic atom smashing machine - the international linear collider.
# Google Landgeist
For keywords like 'democracy', 'internet' or 'coffee' this shows which country has the highest relative scores.
# How to expertly roast coffee
Walk through of roasting by Victrola Coffee barista.
# Irvine Welsh new novel to be set in Edinburgh and San Francisco
Trainspotting author writes about my two favourite cities.
# Ten Mistakes Writers Don't See
But Can Easily Fix When They Do
# 25 Million for bin laden isn't enough
Proposal to enlist market forces in his capture with a one billion dollar inducement.
# MS rebuilds trust by tackling geographic insensitivity
Geography lessons for employees to prevent further expensive oversights
# GOOG surges on debut
Currently trading $18.27 above opening price.
# Internet only pharmacies get go ahead
England relaxes rules, Scotland & Wales say No....
# Why is Najaf so holy?
Because it's the site of the tomb of Ali, the first imam of the Shiites.
# New York Carver
Tips & Tricks to Gothic Geometry
# E-binge that will cost us dear
E-government binge misguided, writes cynic Simon Caulkin