Bush visit to UK

I wonder if Pres Bush managed to read The Sun prior to agreeing to do an 'exclusive' interview? :-) The Washington Post has some fun with it in "Prez in Topless Tabloid" - Bush's spokesman apparently said, "You should've seen the ones we declined".

Someone (who knows better) sent me the rallying times and places for the anti-bush / anti-war / anti-globalization demonstrations being organised to commemorate Bush in Britain. If I go anywhere near it'll just be to see how few/many actually turn out. I read that they (the Bushites) wanted diplomatic immunity for their security folk incase they accidentally, by mistake, erroneously shot some protestors. Sadly the Home Office or somebody ruined their fun and said No. They also weren't allowed to bring tank guns. Interesting to see if they take no for an answer or just do it anyway, who's gonna stop them eh? eh?

Posted by Paul at November 17, 2003 06:05 PM |
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