Political Compass

According to Political Compass I'm a libertarian-leftist. I'm not convinced it's right though, I think I'm probably more towards the centre/right of the left-right "economic" divide, though I'm pretty satisfied with my position on the Authoritarian / Libertarian axis. I found a few of the questions ambiguous or I entirely disagreed with their premise and could not choose an appropriate tick-box. View my graph and take the political compass test.

It's pretty interesting to see how you compare with folk like Tony Blair, GWB, Nelson Mandela, ther Dalai Lama, Saddam Hussein and Robert Mugabe.

My actual result was

Economic Left/Right: -3.07
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.26
Once you do the test then post up your result here and whether you think it's correct or not.

Posted by Paul at October 17, 2003 06:09 PM |

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