Anti-war Party

According to the Guardian (will I ever tire of saying that?) Monbiot and others are taking the fight to the ballot boxes - Coalition of peace looks to polls.

The chairwoman of the Birmingham Anti-War Coalition who is leading the effort said

"The strength of the anti-war march was the diversity of protesters: people came from different backgrounds, faiths and political affiliations.

"But without a clear or comprehensive political programme we remain dispossessed, with only the parties of business or bombing to vote for. Together we probably make up the majority."

They plan to form a "genuine progressive opposition" and will convene later this year to finalise a manifesto for the European & local election in June of 2004.

I wonder whether this planned progressive opposition might act like Ralph Nader's Greens did in the 2000 US Presidential race splitting off votes from the left of the labour party and the Lib Dems - in so doing strengthening the Tories. Also, I'll be interested to see how Jeremy Corbyn or Diane Abbott (for example only) react - will they cling to the mandate of power based on pragmatism or seek a return to opposition where they can bask in the glory of fighting injustice unhindered by the demands of responsibility.

Posted by Paul at October 15, 2003 01:28 AM |
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Do you think their party will be limited to England and Wales - or will they compete with the SSP in Scotland as well?

Come to that - will they or any of the major parties try campaigning in Northern Ireland?

Posted by: Bonobo at October 15, 2003 09:58 PM