Robin Cook seeks quiet life?

Robin Cook it seems is not only keen for peace on the world stage, he wants it in his own stairwell too. Students? Keep them away from my flat, pleads Cook in the Guardian is an unlikely tale filled with pomposity from the former Foreign Secretary as he objects to an application for multiple occupancy in a neighbouring apartment. Methinks he's getting a bit cranky in his old age :-)

Posted by Paul at September 10, 2003 04:41 PM |
Visitor Feedback

Hey let's find out where he lives and pop round for a party?
NB It's only one of his homes!!

- that all multiple occupancies are for students. (Ours isn't)
- that all students are disruptive.
- that turnover of tenants will be regular and disruptive

Perhaps some of us choose(!!) to live with others because we enjoy the companionship, support, fun and sheer entertainment such a choice provides.
After all you choose your friends not your relatives.

Where exactly does the esteemed ginger gnome believe that students and others who choose to share a flat should live?

Why is it permissable to barbecue your relatives but not your friends? (Multiple occupancy certificates are not required if the three or more folk living together are related.)

Posted by: Bonobo at September 10, 2003 04:59 PM

saw this on Scotland Tonight tonight, some student rep was dissin' the gnome for the objection and asking whether there should be student ghettos to keep the blighters away from him. hope he ends up with the president of the young tories (or young tonies, either would be good) as a neighbour.

Posted by: Paul at September 11, 2003 03:47 AM