Yasser Arafat

USS Clueless says Exile Arafat. Only as a second best scenario you understand, an execution would be far more useful to the Israeli cause.

Condi Rice said that "no good would be served" by forcing Arafat into exile. I don't agree. I think that a lot would be gained, both in the short term and in the long run. Having him be dead would be even better, but it isn't politically possible for Israel to send troops in to take Arafat away, for a private execution.

All of which makes sense if you want to impose a 'solution' on the Palestinian people with no regard whatsoever to their views.

Why stop with Arafat though? Why not just speed up the process of killing them all and then there won't be any opposition at all and the settlements can grow to take in the whole of Palestine and God's work will be done.

This is supposed to be the way to peace? Weird.

Update 11/9/03: The Israeli Government has decided to expel Arafat.

Posted by Paul at September 10, 2003 03:41 AM |
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