UN Leadership role in Iraq

The FT reports that the US is open to leadership role for UN in Iraq.

The key suggestion of the story is some kind of UN force comprising US, UK & Allied forces under UN leadership with US command. Which I don't think is going to play well - a state department spokesman said, "not an idea that we are necessarily putting". A more likely solution is hinted at in the reply of Richard Armitage, Dep. Sec. State, to a question, he said "one of the interesting ideas" was for the US to maintain control of the military while the UN took over civil affairs.

Which seems altogether more workable and unlikely to be opposed by potential troop contributors as the sought after "legitimacy" would then exist. Assuming that the diplomats are supported by the military rather than the other way around then the US ought to have no problem with this either.

Posted by Paul at August 28, 2003 02:30 AM |
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