The Hutton Enquiry

The Economist piece Not very guilty is spot on about the Hutton Enquiry; that the person to blame for Dr. Kelly's death was Dr. Kelly himself.

"People who are accused of misdeeds that they have just stopped short of are much angrier than if the thought had never crossed their minds in the first place. The government tacitly concedes, with the benefit of hindsight, that it may have over-egged the case for war just a little. But, heaven forbid, absolutely not in the crude, cynical way alleged by Mr Gilligan."

But stop short they did.

Also the evidence available at the official Hutton Enquiry web site gives an intriguing sense of how the machinery of Number 10 actually works.

Posted by Paul at August 26, 2003 04:14 PM |
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The situation was entirely caused by the Fantasist Kelly who thought he was a lot more important than he really was. He fed his ego by talking to any press/TV man/woman who was daft enough to listen to him. It was just bad luck that he met the Idiot Gilligan who put words into Kelly's mouth and misreported him too. HMG/MoD just did what any employer would have done if one of its employees had been blabbing to the press about things way beyond his sphere and withot authorisation.

BBC should fire:

Greg Dyke
Andrew Gilligan


Posted by: David Sexton at September 17, 2003 05:48 PM

I heard the broadcast by Andrew Gilligan on Radio 4, and when he attributed the phrase "sexed up " to Dr. Kelly, I thought this was not the phrase such a person as Dr.Kelly would normally use. Would such a phrase even be in that man's vocabulary?

The next day, I found that Gilligan was a columnist for the Mail on Sunday. His articles on the subject in those papers were very anti-government, in line with that paper's seemingly editorial policy of trying to destroy any Labour Government. I then thought this phrase of the document being "sexed up," was Gilligan's, and not really Dr.Kelly's.

Is it right for the BBC to use such prejudiced right-wing journalists? I used to think everything I heard on Radio 4 was pretty well the truth, but now my faith in 4, and the BBC has been considerably diminished. It seems to me that Mr. Gilligan has turned out to be the biggest spinner of them all


Posted by: E. Nattrass at September 19, 2003 11:19 AM

Report is out soon - perhaps wait till then for judgements?

Posted by: Texas Mortgage Guide at January 12, 2004 06:16 AM

Why should Mr Gilligan seek to destroy a labour Government? Tony Blair has already done that. What we have is a Thatcherite Tory Government under the "Labour" name.

Posted by: John Tomkinson at January 28, 2004 07:38 PM

The MAN i.e Kelly killed himself, he killed himself, himself no one but him is responsible for this. Yet Hutton attacks the media come on please. The government will always try to find ways to blame the media for their own faults, they really need to look at themselves and where their going wrong rather than some useless enquiry, by some criminal lawyer who just wants to convict someone NO ONE I REPEAT NO ONE should be quiting over this NO ONE except maybe Tony blair who started the damn thing.

Posted by: Tara Allen at January 29, 2004 02:58 PM

Alistair Campbell lost his job and some public esteem as a consequence of the unfounded Gilligan report broadcast by Radio Four at a time when many news editors would be listening. The socialist millionaires – Dyke and Davies – recklessly compounded that libel by insisting that Gilligan reports had been accurate when they had not checked the proper records. Legal Aid should be made available to Alistair Campbell if he wishes to seek redress in the Courts.

Posted by: Andrew Dundas at January 29, 2004 05:35 PM

I am dismayed by the outcome of the Hutton enquiry and cannot believe that the Government is totally blameless. I thought there would be a balanced view and criticism on both sides. This reinforces my belief that the enquiry was biased. And yes, it is tragic that Dr Kelly died but so have many British serviceman and women in Iraq - isn't this what it should really be about? Getting to the bottom of WMD and who made the 45 minute claim? Blair quoted it as ammunition for war - did he check that this evidence was correct before putting it before parliament and the people - NO. He got it wrong - people have died - he should resign!!!

Posted by: Rosie Bonser at January 29, 2004 08:12 PM

The BBC Today Programme has become a total parody of news reporting. The Kelly affair is really the final proof that the BBC has lost it's way by airing such a spinning and immoral mockery of journalism.
The Today Programme's crude mixture of left wing PC fixations, mindless anti Americanism and Andrew Gilligan of the Daily Mail has led the corporation into a situation where the government may begin the process of breaking it up.
Perhaps if swift action is taken in disbanding bully boy Humphreys and his cohorts, the BBC may save itself

Posted by: Emmet Dalton at January 29, 2004 10:33 PM