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Interesting little article at Foreign Policy, "Betting on IT."

"Spawned by Kennedy’s war on crime, the 1961 Interstate Wire Act, which outlaws betting over interstate phone lines, is now being used to battle online gambling even from sites hosted outside the United States. Much to the consternation of countries seeking to develop their online gambling industries, U.S. authorities recently jailed Jay Cohen, cofounder of Antigua’s World Sports Exchange, one of the largest online sports books in the world."

Jay Cohen is sort-of profiled in a column, As Legal Day of Reckoning Approaches, Jay Cohen's Spirit Is Indomitable.

"I told my lawyer early on, 'I don't care if they kick it down to littering, you will not hear the word guilty roll off my tongue.' And I mean it."
Posted by Paul at July 18, 2003 04:37 PM |
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