Self Publishing / Print on Demand at CafePress

The book self publishing service at Cafe Press will launch properly on July 28th, until then however you can now create books in anticipation of the launch date.

The Pricing is as follows (you set your own price and make the difference between the price you set and the CafePress price shown here)

  Per Page Flat Binding Fee
Wire-O $0.045 $5
Saddle Stitch $0.045 $4
Perfect Bound $0.03 $7

I keep thinking I have a book in me but every time I sit down to write one I get a paragraph out then tweak that for hours finally closing Word without saving.

Posted by Paul at July 16, 2003 02:35 AM |
Visitor Feedback

Maybe you're better suited to blogging. One paragraph at a time.

My sense is that writing is for later in life. You have to be well aquainted with life and the emotions that living it elicits. A novel also lays out your soul for the rest of the world to see. Even if your book sucks those closest to you will read it, and they are the ones you are most frightened of. As you age your care less what they think, until eventually you don't give a fuck.

The other option would be to write a screenplay. Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Posted by: gregor at July 16, 2003 04:22 AM