Scotland at the Smithsonian

Scotland is featured in the Smithsonian Folk Festival in Scotland At The Smithsonian.

It all looks a bit Shortbread, Bagpipes & Tartan to me which is fine by me if it sells hotel rooms and I suppose it is a "folklife festival" which is I guess only going to attract like humourless folkies anyway.

Please know however that Scotland is not all Bagpipes, Tartan & Shortbread, even if it sometimes feels like it walking around this city.

Posted by Paul at June 26, 2003 05:44 AM |
Visitor Feedback

Hi Paul, didn't see you in Washington DC and suspect from your comment that you weren't there. Actually it wasn't all tartan, shortbread and bagpipes - we had North Sea oil technology, cutting edge computer design, exquisite craftsmanship, hordes of cool young Americans and Malis dancing the night away to the bass beat of Fiddlers Bid, and more than a million Americans of all ages from all backgrounds queuing up to enjoy the music, song, laughter and endless conversations about Scotland today.
We really have to stop being so bloody provincial and feeling we need to apologise for a culture that the rest of the world actually admires and envies! No one picture tells the full story but Smithsonian gave a very positive vibe.
All the best, Sheena Wellington

Posted by: Sheena Wellington at July 8, 2003 08:59 PM