Friday Five June 20th 2003

  1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
    Short, disappearing even. Straight.
  2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
    It started short, got longer, peaked then started getting shorter again.
  3. How do your normally wear your hair?
    Basically I don't. I rub a towel over it and then leave it.
  4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
    I might try to stop it receding...
  5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
    Nope. Well, maybe once. I got it cut *way* too short and had to wear a cap for a month or so. And there was the time I got Caitlin to dye it blue...
These questions were lame. Posted by Paul at June 20, 2003 08:39 PM |
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