The Thought Gang by Tibor Fischer

I just bought The Thought Gang by Tibor Fischer and am so excited to read it! I don't normally get this way about fiction books but ever since someone gave me Under the Frog I've been a Fischer fan. So I've got a medium-bodied red in my glass and peace and quiet to get down to it. Don't interrupt me!

Update! I finished it, what a great book.

Posted by Paul at June 14, 2003 11:22 PM |
Visitor Feedback

The Thought Gang was the first book I read of Fischer's and it really is a classy piece of work.
It's clever and funny and well-written, but above all else, it's immensely readable. I'm glad that I read this book when I did as it made me realise that you don't have to be normal to write a good or great book that others will want to read - in fact, it probably helps to be a little odd. One of my favourite things about his books is the fact that so many of his characters just couldn't really be arsed to do stuff, but end up doing stuff anyway. I imagine he's probably very lazy.
But there's nothing wrong with that if you can produce work like his.

Posted by: Tom Day at August 12, 2003 04:01 PM