Expert Search

This Globe Alive thing is interesting. It's the thing that Doc was talking about a couple of days ago when he pointed to his son (?) Allen's Big Passionate Argument for a people search engine. I signed up and had a poke round and reckon that if the quality of people both answering and asking the questions is good then this could be an ace resource to quickly find an answer to any question. It's, I guess, sort of like Google Answers except instant (and free), both useful motivators and as such is great for a quick point in the right direction. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it. Nobody has chatted me yet, I'm ready for anything tho' - looking through some of the previous questions it seems like the primary users have been amusement rather than enlightenment seekers.

Allen says, "It would change the web by making it live; it would change the economy by making it personal; it would change the world by making it smaller; and it would change you and I... by helping us meet. "

Posted by Paul at May 19, 2003 05:08 AM |
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