Citrus Club

The last time I went to the Citrus Club in Edinburgh was probably somewhere around '96 or '97 and unbelievably it is exactly the same as it was then. It's a dingy dark hole of a place where no one really dresses up, the drinks come in plastic glasses and the people, generally, are of the don't give a fuck type. So, yeah, when I went before I started off in not much of a party mood as I didn't actually want to go in the first place. The mood darkened when some dumb ass spilt their pint on me by mistake but fortunately a flying alcopop bottle knocked some clubbing spirit into me by bouncing off the ceiling and hitting me in the head, after which I kind of went mental and had a great night.

So we ended up there last night after planning a night in, drinking a bottle of red wine then thinking "och, I quite fancy a wee dance." It only ever happens when I'm very drunk. Saturday is "Tease Age" night at the Citrus Club, kind of indie with some miscellany thrown in for good measure. Turned out to be great fun, and they're pretty generous with spirit measures too. Rolled on home about 3ish, tea and toast all round and watched the directors cut of Cinema Paradiso until the sun rose this morning. Excellent film.

Posted by Paul at May 19, 2003 03:03 AM |
Visitor Feedback

i stumbled upon this entry doing a search for citrus club, and felt i had to respond because i had quite the same experience. i don't think that place will ever change. and people will always be breaking pints or spilling them. but it'll always have good music and dancing. (cinema paradiso-one of my favorites)

Posted by: rheya at December 13, 2003 08:35 PM