US plans retribution against cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys.

Via The Agonist we learn that Bush aides discuss 'punishment' for France which is nice I think. Doh. Is there no beginning to their talents? Just how stupid are they? How does impeachment work exactly?

France is a nation of good people who, like the rest of us, want to defend their national interests. If the French see it as being in their national interest to speak out when they disagree with GWB then that should be respected and the act applauded regardless of the content of their objection. When you punish a country for merely defending its interests vocally you serve to make ridiculous the notion of defending your interests pre-emptively with force.

Of course none of this matters, isn't it Powell's job to fix that after it's been fucked. The thing that bugs me about this is that the US democracy was designed to cope but through erosion over the years the system is broken and the people 'en masse' don't seem to care enough to fix it. It'll get worse before it gets better. The BBC have a handy Q&A!

Posted by Paul at April 23, 2003 03:27 AM |
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