No such thing as bad publicity?

Slate has a wee analysis of the racy photo that's got a sneaker company steamed debacle. It refers to the, becoming infamous, fake puma ads.

The first time this caught the blog community's attention was around a month and a half ago yet today I was forwarded the pics by a friend who had received it from someone in Thailand who had received it - blah blah blah the forwarded headers were huge, it's fair to say the ad has fairly comprehensively done the rounds.

In January Puma launched a global brand campaign celebrating Puma's association with the Jamaican Olympic Association - "The new campaign playfully portrays the complementary and symbiotic relationship between the PUMA brand and Jamaican culture — which are equally filled with intoxicating liveliness, color, love of music and unparalleled passion for life." I don't see anything particularly Jamaican about the "fake ads" but they certainly portray a passion for life.

Posted by Paul at April 20, 2003 04:11 AM |
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