Hedgehog Day

OK, it's a misleading title as Hedgehog Day is actually celebrated on the 2nd of February, as of course is Groundhog Day. The point is though that it's not a good day for hedgehogs - the much talked about hedgehog cull starts amid outcry from rights groups. It seems that the humble hedgehog is responsible for a dramatic decline in the number of breeding waders (dunlin, ringed plover, redshank, snipe, lapwing and oystercatcher) in North Uist, Benbecula and South Uist in the Western Isles of Scotland, one of the best areas in Europe apparently... So, these nasty-ass hedgehogs (4 were introduced to the Uists in 1974) have multiplied to the point where there are 10,000 young uns born every year who, together with their elders, are predators of the waders eggs.

It's a sign of a nation in touch with its californian side that on a day when the news cycle was pretty full with the death of chemical Ali, Blair & Bush's Northern Ireland Summit and SARS death toll reaches 98 that BBC Scotland had the hedgehogs in 2nd place throughout the day bulletins. Certainly it is more interesting than the sordid affair of Millionaire fraudsters found guilty.

Posted by Paul at April 8, 2003 04:44 AM |
Visitor Feedback

I'm glad to see this issue highlighted. The plight of hedgehogs might not seem relevant to our everyday life, but if we forget to care about the little things then we ask for trouble.

Note also the plight of the ruddy duck. I have nothing against the Spanish white-headed duck, but we should all be concerned by Government sanctioned genocide to protect the purity of one race.

Posted by: ciml at April 8, 2003 07:19 PM